NPD Opposition Leaders Respond To The Ontario Government’s Announcement About Class Sizes

Today the NDP education critic responded to the Ontario government’s announcement about new class sizes coming in the fall of 2019.

The Ontario government is filing regulations to limit the average size of a classroom to 22.5 students per teacher.

Union leaders have previously warned that as many as 30 students could be packed into an Ontario high school classroom

The NDP claims that students will have it worse and their time-tables turned upside down and will lose courses they are going to need to graduate.

They believe in order to better serve students, the Ontario government needs to cancel the recent funding cuts and reduce the class sizes.


C. Noble

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Read Ontario's New Sex Ed Curriculum Here

Thu Aug 22 , 2019
The Ontario government’s revised sex-education curriculum for elementary schools includes instruction on health, cyber safety and consent. It also requires school boards to allow parents to exempt their children from certain teachings they don’t agree with. The curriculum is available online, and includes addressing issues related to mental health, head concussions, […]
School classroom

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