Covid-19 Update Ontario – January 15, 2021

Ontario press release on the extension of emergency regulations to stop the spread of COVID 19 and new injunctions to support people with mental health and addiction problems. The City of Toronto has released a list of “do’s and don’ts” to clarify activities residents can enjoy without risking fines under the province’s new lockdown rules announced last Tuesday.

pandemicOntario expands emergency ordinances to stop “spread of CoVID19”  in Toronto, Kitchener-Waterloo, Brampton, St. Catharines, Mississauga, Oshawa, Hamilton, Halton and Windsor and its new ordinance, which will be issued in the coming days in response to new laws to close Ontario to “assist people with mental illness and addiction problems.”

Ontario also reports that 174,000 vaccines have been administered since the last daily update. The province says it has administered more than 2.5 million doses of vaccine since vaccination campaigns began in December, and says it has the highest number of vaccines administered in a single day in the province’s history.

The scheduled appearances before the city-administered Provincial Criminal Court under the Ontario Criminal Code and Public Health Act, scheduled for January 22, 2021, will be postponed.

The following are the latest updates to Windsor services and reflect the latest provincial designations. Case information is updated daily at 8 a.m. and provided on the current or next day. For more information and updates, please visit the Public Health and Mental Health Services Ontario website.

Keep an eye on recommendations that are critical to the government’s action plan, including mental health and substance abuse for Ontario’s most vulnerable populations. This includes providing information on the latest information on the National Development Plan for the Prevention and Treatment of Mental Illness and Addiction.

Students in southern Ontario must learn online until at least January 25, but the government is expanding virtual classes at five hot spots until February 11. These include a longer break in personal learning in Essex County and an expansion of online learning for students in the Toronto and Hamilton area.

Ontario has changed its rules to reopen schools, hospitals and other public facilities. There are no rules for the restricted areas, but Ontario may reopen schools on Monday, January 26, 2019.

Brown has warned that a new COVID-19 variant from the UK is already in Ontario and could double the number of cases (how long it takes for a case to double) by 10 days. The government’s own scientific advisers say Ontario could begin bending the pandemic curve this week and prevent many thousands of new cases by immediately introducing a so-called “hard lockdown” measure. They want to make sure we can crack down and stop this infection, including the UK and other variants.

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, ESA has taken a number of additional “precautions” to ensure the safety of public employees The COVID-19 variants of the flu virus are evolving in the UK and other countries.

The Ontario government continues to ensure that they have critical equipment and supplies for patients, as well as the necessary equipment to protect the public from the COVID 19 outbreak.

C. Noble

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Halton Police Tell Oakville Residents To “Shelter In Place”' After Report of an Active Shooter

Fri Jan 15 , 2021
Halton police are asking residents of an Oakville neighbourhood to get safe as an active shooter investigation continues. In a tweet, police asked residents to hide in their basements until further notice and there is a heavy police presence in the area, including on Lakeshore Rd. W is closed from […]

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