COVID-19 Exposure at Burlington Assumption Catholic Secondary School


October 24, 2020—Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Exposure at Assumption Catholic Secondary School. Halton Region Public Health was notified of a COVID-19 confirmed Case at Assumption Catholic Secondary School – 3230 Woodward Avenue, Burlington L7N 3P1.

Date of Exposure: October 19, 20 & 21, 2020

A child has been identified as a close contact and will have to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of exposure.

Parents are advised that if their child develops COVID-19 symptoms, to get them tested immediately. If they have not developed symptoms, they may seek testing for them not before 5 days from the date of exposure. Parents are advised to take this letter with them and provide the investigation number they were given, at the assessment centre when they go for their test.

Halton Region has a legal order that enables Halton Region Public Health to enforce self-isolation requirements for a group of individuals that it applies to.

These efforts are being made to protect the local community from potential exposure to COVID-19. The class order applies to all persons residing in or present in Halton Region who:

  • Are a confirmed case or probable case of COVID-19;
  • Have new symptoms (even mild symptoms) or worsening symptoms of COVID-19, have been tested for
    COVID-19 and are awaiting the results of their test;
  • Have symptoms (even mild symptoms) of COVID-19, or have had such symptoms within the past 14 days;
  • Are a close contact of a person identified in (a) even if they do not themselves have any symptoms of
    COVID-19; or
  • are a parent, or person with responsibilities of a parent, of a person under sixteen years of age identified in
    (a), (b), (c) or (d) who resides or is present in Halton Region;

For more information, visit or call 311.

C. Noble

One thought on “COVID-19 Exposure at Burlington Assumption Catholic Secondary School

  1. Wow, terrible situation, I’m surprised really that Burlington’s been hit, stay safe people, stay home 😞

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