Coronavirus is in Ontario and We Have a Whistleblower

Well, there’s no doubt that Ontario has its first case of Coronavirus (coronavirus HKU1) and apparently the news is worse than we thought it is.


Update: Read this report about the coronavirus outbreak by the Epoch Times.

Now there’s news that a whistleblower has come out and said the epidemic is worse than we’re being told.

A nurse that is working in Wuhan insists in a video posted to Youtube that nearly 90,000 people in China now have been infected with coronavirus, which is far more than the 1,975 reported by Chinese officials.

“I am in the area where the coronavirus started. I’m here to tell the truth.”

The nurse chooses to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, which shows her wearing a full-head face mask.

She goes on to say in the video that “at this moment, Hubei province, including the Wuhan area, even China, 90,000 people have been infected by a coronavirus.”

Unfortunately at this time she does not reveal how she arrived at that number so we’ll have to wait for further news.

See Coronavirus ‘whistleblower’ nurse says China has 90,000 sick

See the video here:

Her warning was published as the Chinese government faced accusations of censoring criticism of its handling of the disease.

Today, the Chinese President Xi Jinping, said the country is facing a grave situation, and held a meeting to discuss measures to contain the outbreak – Chinese state television reported on Saturday.

We’ll post more as information comes in.

Beate Westenhofer

Beate is an independent journalist, mother of 3, and well versed in world events, and all things Ontario.

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